#protecting business in cross-border agreements
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Jurisdictional Disputes in Cross-Border Agreements? Choose the Right Legal Path | Legal Remedies for Contract Breach in India | Cross Border Contract Disputes in India

There are disagreements about which country’s law to use or create in the international business deal. No, dealing with these firms of different nations and there has been debate about which country law should be applied can lead to damage to the partnership of the country to which the laws are applied. There is a problem in the international transaction that pops up in the mind because the guidelines are not clear about which law to follow. There are many good ways through which legal issues can be resolved and there will be safeguards for the business. Now I would like to show what is the best legal approach to settle the dispute often faster and with confidence.
#protecting business in cross-border agreements#safeguarding cross-border partnerships#arbitration for cross-border contract disputes#enforceable jurisdiction clauses in India
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Abandon Weakness (Am I a Weakness?) (DPxDC) Chapter 2
Chp 1 Learning Weakness 1 2 AO3 Link Here Chapter Summary Danny makes it to Gotham, but quickly discovers that it is the haunt of a powerful, and frankly terrifying, ghost.
Pre-A/N: Welp, instead of working on the main story, I once again procrastinated by working on the prequel. I will say, however, that this has probably been my most favorite chapter to write of this series yet (it's also the longest). I hope y'all enjoy!
Gotham City is both exactly what Danny expected and nothing at all like he expected. He expected the ambient ecto, the feeling of fear and pain that shrouded the city when he stepped in its limits.He had expected the other emotions in the mix, like joy and safety and protection, likely caused by the vigilantes that helped those around them. He even expected the gloom, the cloud-covered sky and tall dark buildings blocking what little sunlight peaked through the dark cover above.
What he hadn't expected was the crushing feeling of leave stay away mine THREAT GO AWAY that flooded in as soon as he crossed the border into the city. The instinct to bow down to a creature more powerful than anything he's ever seen, or to run away as he was told and never look back. The feeling that he just trespassed somewhere he shouldn't have even looked at, let alone actually entered.
He hadn't expected Gotham City to be the haunt of an overprotective and powerful ghost.
Danny thinks back on everything he's learned from his ghost mentors about the etiquette of entering another ghost's haunt. Introduce yourself to whoever the ghost is. Ask for permission and state your reasoning for entering. Bring a gift, usually one relating to the ghost's obsession. All things Danny didn't do before entering, couldn't do now that the owner was aware of his presence. And now that owner is angry.
He feels a tug on his core, an angry grip trying to drag him further into the city. It startles him at first, not used to feeling it so strongly while in human form. Not wanting to anger the ghost anymore than he already has, Danny follows the pull into a nearby alley that Danny notes isn't visible from the main road. The further in he gets, the darker the alley seems, until Danny figures the only reason he can still see clearly is because of his halfa status. The tugging on his core stops when he reaches a dead end in the alleyway. Despite both him and the ghost knowing a simple wall won't stop him from continuing, Danny has a feeling he wouldn't be able to escape if he tried.
Danny notices the moment a faint green light starts to reflect on the wall in front of him, and he knows that whoever owns this haunt is now standing right behind him.
"Phantom" A voice rasps, and the ghost knowing his name, while he looks human no less, is not the only reason a shiver runs down his spine. The voice is gravelly, as if the speaker smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, although knowing where he is now it's more likely from the smog filling the air in the city. He feels a sense of danger in the voice, and knows without any doubt that if he messes up this interaction, this ghost could End him with ease.
Danny takes a breathe before turning around slowly. He bows his head and keeps his eyes on the ground as he does, a sign of submission he hopes will calm the ghost in front of him enough for a civil conversation. From this angle, he can only see their feet, or lack-thereof. Instead, wisps of gray smoke trail off of what could be considered their legs, almost identical in color to the smog surrounding the city. After a moment, the ghost continues speaking.
"Why have you dared to enter my city? We have an agreement. I remain neutral in your politics, and you and your people stay far away from my city and people."
Danny doesn't break eye contact with soda can he's been staring at on the ground as he voices his confusion. "I'm not sure what you are referring to. I am here on personal business, and had no idea Gotham was the home of another ghost. If I had known, I would have performed proper etiquette to ask for access."
"You would have still requested access to my city, knowing I don't take kindly to interlopers?"
"Again, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I don't actually know who you are."
"Hm" Danny watches in his peripherals as the ghost circles him. He keeps his breathing calm, even as the smoke wafting off of the ghost and into the air encompasses him completely. "I suppose you are fairly new to your…role." Danny tries to suppress a flinch, but he doesn't think he managed if the ghost's pause means anything. "It's possible that you haven't yet been informed of my agreement with your court."
Danny feels a cold finger touch his chin, forcing him to look away from his emotional support soda can. His gaze travels up the ghost's form before landing on cold, colorless eyes that feel as if they pierce into his core.
"However, you still have not answered my question, Phantom. Why have you entered my domain? What personal business do you have that requires you to be here? And do try not to lie. I will know if you do." The smoke around him swirls as if in response to their words.
Danny takes a moment to get his thoughts together, and as he does he takes in the ghost in front of him. The ghost is tall, having to lean down quite a bit in order to meet his eyes, even with his head tilted up as it is. They are lithe, but in no way do they look delicate. Their coloring is dark. Even with the green glow of ectoplasm that makes them up, it feels as if they suck in all other light surrounding them. That explains the unnatural darkness of the alley at least.
Their hair is long, pulled up into a complicated style that Danny is pretty sure would not work if gravity affected it like a normal person. It almost reminds him of the fancy hairstyles he would see in period films or in his history books. On top is a large sunhat, casting a shadow on an already sunless face. The sunhat is fancy, with a plethora of webbing or ribbon or something that Danny can't really make sense of. The only thing that really sticks out is the bat decoration nestled among the lace.
The dark black that makes up their outfit flows down their legs like a dress and fades into the dark gray smoke Danny has become familiar with. Along their arms, their dress turns to thin black lace, showing the 'skin' underneath. And that is where Danny notices the one part of this ghost that isn't colorless and dark. On their arms are what appear to be tattoo sleeves, parts of which almost glow from the saturation of color, especially when compared to the monochrome of the rest of the ghost. He can't quite make out the full design, but he can see some of the saturated blobs and the immediate picture beside them. The most notable one appears to be a bunch of different stylized yellow R's, forming a circle surrounded by dark gray clouds. An imitation of a sun peaking out of a storm most likely, although Danny isn't sure what the R's represent. He's pretty sure he can see one blue and two red birds flying amongst the clouds, separate flecks of light in the otherwise dark sky of skin.
Danny is so enamored by the ghost's appearance that he loses himself in the moment. Soon it becomes way longer than is probably acceptable for a response, but he doesn't even notice. He only does when he feels that cold finger still on his chin tilt his head higher so he once more meets eyes with the ghost.
"I'm waiting, Little Ghostling." The name, which feels like it should be a thing of endearment, feels like a taunt coming from the ghost's lips.
Danny has to remember what question he was asked, being so distracted by the ghost's appearance, but he finally thinks of how he wants to answer. He doesn't want to go into full detail with this ghost he doesn't know, and so he thinks of what he can exclude. He finally thinks of a starting point that should hopefully satisfy the ghost.
"I'm looking for someone."
"Oh? And who is it that you just have to get to?"
"Nowadays, he goes by Damian Wayne." The feeling is so sudden, Danny doesn't register it at first, but soon he is almost choking on the feeling of protectiveness and danger that suddenly surrounds him, amplified by the smoke that gets thicker around him. The ghost's voice booms as they speak up.
" What reason do you have to seek out the son of my Knight?
Knight? "U-uh" Just tell the truth Danny. "He's my brother."
The smoke surrounding him somehow seeps closer, and Danny squeezes his eyes shut. It's only when the sensation eases, and the ghost lets out a light hum, that he opens them once more. There is curiosity in the ghost's gaze, as opposed to the heat and threat that had been there just moments before.
"Interesting. You do not seem to be lying. Explain, Ghostling. How is it we are only learning of you now?" We?
Danny decides it's probably best to just fully explain his situation. Trying to be vague seemed to cause too many strong emotions from the ghost, and he would rather there not be any misunderstandings. So he starts talking. His birth family. His adopted family. His deaths. His parents discovering his ghost status. His choosing Gotham as his destination.
He still doesn't go into full detail, but it's enough for the ghost to get the gist of it. They listen closely, and Danny can feel some of their emotions and reactions seeping into the smoke around him. He can also feel as his own emotions seep into the smoke as well. It's almost therapeutic, feeling his own emotions echoed back at him, even if he knows this ghost can feel them as well. Can feel his anger towards his parents, his determination to see his brother, his fear of being abandoned a third time , his insecurities of the roles pushed onto him by others. When he's done, the ghost allows the silence that follows to linger, observing Danny with a thoughtful eye instead of responding. Danny has to resist the urge to make himself smaller under their gaze.
When they finally speak, it is a quiet whisper to themself, but Danny is still able to make out the words. "So the Little Ghostling is my Knight's Prince. Then he will be my Little Princeling as well."
Louder, the ghost speaks to him directly. "Very well Phantom. I shall open my haunt and allow it to be yours as well."
Danny's eyes widen. "No no. You don't need to go that far! Simply allowing me to reside here for now would be enough. I could pay you back for the ambient ecto I absorb. There's no need for me to fully haunt your city."
The ghost's voice softens as they speak next. It is the friendliest he has heard the ghost be. It almost sounds like a mother consoling her child. "It is already done, my Little Princeling." Danny doesn't know how he feels about the nickname, but he doesn't want to comment in fear of earning the ghost's ire once more. They could take back their amnesty at any moment, after all.
"I am now your home. My streets are mapped into your core, my shadows shall be your willing blanket, my people shall be your kin. As long as you never abandon her, Gotham shall never abandon you. I shall take my leave now, my Little Princeling, but know that from now on you are mine, and I protect those who are mine."
The ghost starts to turn away, but Danny has one more question he needs answered before he can process what has just happened.
The ghost stops their half turn, but doesn't turn back to look at him.
"Just who are you, anyway."
The ghost lets out a laugh, less gravelly than their talking voice. If anything, its almost like a child's laugh, young and high and free. It echoes throughout the alley. No that's not quite right. It's less of an echo, and more as if the alley is laughing along.
"Have you not figured it out yet?"
The walls of the alley seem to close in, and the smoke no, the smog, how could he have thought of it as anything else thickens even more somehow. And Danny knows, a moment before the ghost speaks it into existence. This ghost doesn't just live in Gotham, the city of tall dark silhouettes, and all consuming smog. The city of colorful birds and dark bats flying in its skies.
"I am Lady Gotham."
She is this city.
End Notes: Can you tell who my favorite character to write this chapter was? (It's obviously Danny's emotional support soda can.)
I didn't realize just how much fun I was going to have with Lady Gotham until I started writing her.
Feel free to point out any mistakes.
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How This Central African City Became the World’s Most Expensive
Stretch Goals: Central African Republic Ranks Top 8 in FIFA World Rankings for Men's and Top 5 for Futsal
Micro Goals: All Time Laureus World Sports Awards Winner for Africans, Laureus Team Award, All Time African Footballer of the Year, AFCON Host Nation Champion*, African Transfer Record*, Insead and WSJ Conferences*, Jeune Afrique Cover*, Verified LinkedIn Member*, and Agriculture Startup Reality TV
Pigou Effect, Corporate Tax Havens, Capital Gains Tax Havens, Private-Public Sectors, Joint Venture Plantations, Market Extension Mergers, with Business Incubators, and Enterprise Foundation, Holding Company, Subsidiaries, and Horizontal Integration for Monopoly.
A currency union (also known as monetary union) is an intergovernmental agreement that involves two or more states sharing the same currency. These states may not necessarily have any further integration (such as an economic and monetary union, which would have, in addition, a customs union and a single market). [Pigou Effect Currency (Short FX), Currency Board Currency (Retirement Fixed Exchange Rate), Market Currency (FX Long Currency)]
Gross national product (GNP) GNP is related to another important economic measure called gross domestic product (GDP), which takes into account all output produced within a country's borders regardless of who owns the means of production. GNP starts with GDP, adds residents' investment income from overseas investments, and subtracts foreign residents' investment income earned within a country. Whilst GDP measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, GNP focuses on the income generated by its residents, regardless of their location.
Gross National Income (GNI) is the total amount of money earned by a nation's people and businesses. It is used to measure and track a nation's wealth from year to year. The number includes the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) plus the income it receives from overseas sources.
Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions: Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Investments Farms REITs, Art Financing Mardi Gras
Index Franc: Tobacco-Tobacco Soil Index/Franc Tabac Currency Pair (TBS/TAF)
The overlapping generations (OLG) model; consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM); Endogenous growth theory; Material balance planning; Leontief paradox; Malinvestment; Helicopter money; Modern monetary theory
Mercantilism Spectrum of CDF/CFA
CDF Raw Materials and CFA Products. (Prices); CDF Holding Company and CFA Conglomerate Company. (Equity and Dividend Yield); CDF is Gold Standard and CFA is Helicopter Money. (FX Rate/Hedging); CDF Helicopter Money [Supplier Currency] and CFA as Purchasing Power [Consumer Currency] (Currency Union & Currency Board and Negative Interest Rates); CDF is Congolese Franc and CFA is Central African Franc
Supporting Striker (Inverted Winger)
Central Winger (False 10)
Overlapping Run/Defensive Winger (Half-winger)
An inverted winger is a modern tactical development of the traditional winger position. Most wingers are assigned to either side of the field based on their footedness, with right-footed players on the right and left-footed players on the left.[65] This assumes that assigning a player to their natural side ensures a more powerful cross as well as greater ball protection along the touch-lines. However, when the position is inverted and a winger instead plays inside-out on the opposite flank (i.e., a right-footed player as a left inverted winger), they effectively become supporting strikers and primarily assume a role in the attack.[66]
The "false 10" or "central winger"[55] is a type of midfielder, which differs from the trequartista. Much like the "false 9", their specificity lies in the fact that, although they seemingly play as an attacking midfielder on paper, unlike a traditional playmaker who stays behind the striker in the centre of the pitch, the false 10's goal is to move out of position and drift wide when in possession of the ball to help both the wingers and fullbacks to overload the flanks. This means two problems for the opposing midfielders: either they let the false 10 drift wide, and their presence, along with both the winger and the fullback, creates a three-on-two player advantage out wide; or they follow the false 10, but leave space in the centre of the pitch for wingers or onrushing midfielders to exploit. False 10s are usually traditional wingers who are told to play in the centre of the pitch, and their natural way of playing makes them drift wide and look to provide deliveries into the box for teammates.
In Italian football, the term mezzala (literally "half-winger" in Italian) is used to describe the position of the one or two central midfielders who play on either side of a holding midfielder and/or playmaker. The term was initially applied to the role of an inside forward in the WM and Metodo formations in Italian, but later described a specific type of central midfielder. The mezzala is often a quick and hard-working attack-minded midfielder, with good skills and noted offensive capabilities, as well as a tendency to make overlapping attacking runs, but also a player who participates in the defensive aspect of the game, and who can give width to a team by drifting out wide; as such, the term can be applied to several different roles.
On occasion, the false-10 can also function in a different manner alongside a false-9, usually in a 4–6–0 formation. Midfield collective of False 9, False 10, Box to Box, Holding, Half Winger, Attacking, Defensive. We are not stretching the defensive line itsself, but the space between the defensive line and the goalkeeper.
Thiago Motta’s ‘Super Offensive’ 2-7-2 Formation Explained: Instead of the traditional way of looking at a tactical set-up horizontally, the Brazil-born manager instead split the field into three vertical lanes. This means he effectively has seven players in the central channel with two players out wide on each flank.
Adjust Free Role System to The Scoreboard.
The Central African Games was an international multi-sport event for countries within Central Africa. (Boxing, Athletics, Tennis, Football, Rallycross, Olympic Weightlifting, Volleyball, Trap Shooting, Basketball)
The Central African Football Federations' Union, officially abbreviated as UNIFFAC[a], is a sports governing body representing the football associations of Central Africa.
VEDETTE: 3-4-1-2 has 4 Pivot Formations so 5 Total: Transition to a 4-4-2 Diamond, Transition to a 4-4-2, Transition to a 4-2-3-1, Transition to a 3-3-1-3
Positional Game is Diamonds Tic-Tac-Toe with Enforcer and Avoider. Striker [Enforcer](Inverted Winger and Centre Forward), Deep Lying Playmaker [Avoider] (Holding Midfielder and Inverted Winger), and Sweeper Wingback Deep Lying Playmaker [Avoider] (Centre Back). Use Playing Styles, Manipulated Positions, and Combinational Games for Positional Play as Johan Cruyff students.
Angolan 4-4-2 Diamond Tic Tac Toe Variant: 1-3-4-2; (1) Falar Pelos Cotovelos (Sweeper Deep-lying Playmaker Wingback) (4) Diamond Rover (Diamond Rotation from Midfield, Wings, and Defensive Third) Counterpressing Pivot Pressing Triggers, Sweeper-Winger Pivots, Overlapping Runs, W; I; M; V; Box Keeping Formation with 3 Centre-Backs) [Key Stats: Front Foot, Pressing Triggers, Clearance, Aerial Duel, Interceptions, Blocked Shots, Tackles, Final Ball, Key Dribbles, Overlapping Runs, Set Piece Taker] Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Placement Mechanics: Arch-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve
UEFA Front Office Curriculum
Museum d'histoire: Broken down into three major section — “A Lineage of Coaches Players and Places,” “Proving Grounds” and “Cultures of Basketball” — City/Game documents how basketball first found its origins in the neighborhoods of NYC and then went on to produce a roster of local legends who played everywhere from Rucker Park and the Cage on West 4th Street to Christ the King High School and St. John’s University.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle (Coup de Pied)
*Push-Pull Sprint/Shooting Cycle: Pull Glutes et Hamstring; Push Calf et Quads for Sprints.
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes (Paul Pogba)
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
Piedi Felici Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
Lingua Franca of Renaissance Latin (Vocabulary) and Atlantic–Congo Fon (Grammar).
Volta–Congo is a major branch of the Atlantic–Congo family. Fon (fɔ̀ngbè, pronounced [fɔ̃̀ɡ͡bē][2]) also known as Dahomean is the language of the Fon people. It belongs to the Gbe group within the larger Atlantic–Congo family.
In linguistic typology, subject–verb–object (SVO) is a sentence structure where the subject comes first, the verb second, and the object third.
Haitian Creole (/ˈheɪʃən ˈkriːoʊl/; Haitian Creole: kreyòl ayisyen, [kɣejɔl ajisjɛ̃];[6][7] French: créole haïtien, [kʁe.ɔl a.i.sjɛ̃]), or simply Creole (Haitian Creole: kreyòl), is a French-based creole language spoken by 10 to 12 million people worldwide, and is one of the two official languages of Haiti (the other being French), where it is the native language of the vast majority of the population. The language emerged from contact between French settlers and enslaved Africans during the Atlantic slave trade in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti) in the 17th and 18th centuries. Although its vocabulary largely derives from 18th-century French, its grammar is that of a West African Volta-Congo language branch, particularly the Fongbe and Igbo languages.
Prose Accent Congo and Modern Accent Congo.
Full Lips Endings with Vertical Narrow Mouth and Soft Rs.
A noun phrase – or NP or nominal (phrase) – is a phrase that usually has a noun or pronoun as its head, and has the same grammatical functions as a noun.
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries (Cabaret and Burlesque), and weapons manufacturers.
Phillip Morris
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Business Clusters with Scrum Management and Accelerators to produce Festivals.
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven
High Stakes Minimum Buy In
Card Gambling (Signal and President): Top 2 highest bids fight for the Coup d'état and the other two are lesser men, the lesser men are subordinates that aid in playing cards for the warlord, the winning team splits the money, the warlords switches based on the 13 cards dealt and bets placed, the first team to shed all of their cards win.
Domestic Gambling: Boxing
Retirement Gambling: Boat Racing
Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes
Definitions of ballroom. noun. large room used mainly for dancing. synonyms: dance hall, dance palace**. types: disco, discotheque.
Go Go Music Influenced, Eurphoric Trance Chord Progression Melody, Progressive House and Drum n' Bass Percussion-808 Call and Response Staccato Polyrhythm or Layered Kick and Punch 808.
In his 1972 study of French lute music, scholar Wallace Rave compiled a list of features he believed to be characteristic of style brisé. Rave's list included the following: the avoidance of textural pattern and regularity in part writing; arpeggiated chord textures with irregular distribution of individual notes of the chord; ambiguous melodic lines; rhythmic displacement of notes within a melodic line; octave changes within melodic line; irregular phrase lengths.
Have the Snare and Kick say, "Hi, How are you?" And the 808 say, "I am good thanks for asking.”
Use progressive House to push the Drums Conversation to either Fast and Punchy for Happy or Slow and Deep for Sad.
In technical terms, "go-go's essential beat is characterized by a five through four syncopated rhythm that is underscored prominently by the bass drum and snare drum, and the hi-hat... [and] is ornamented by the other percussion instruments, especially by the conga drums, rototoms, and hand-held cowbells."[5]
Polyrhythm: In music, a cross-beat or cross-rhythm is a specific form of polyrhythm. The term cross rhythm was introduced in 1934 by the musicologist Arthur Morris Jones (1889–1980). It refers to a situation where the rhythmic conflict found in polyrhythms is the basis of an entire musical piece.[1]
Four-on-the-floor (or four-to-the-floor) is a rhythm used primarily in dance genres such as disco and electronic dance music. It is a steady, uniformly accented beat in 4. 4 time in which the bass drum is hit on every beat (1, 2, 3, 4).[1] This was popularized in the disco music of the 1970s[2] and the term four-on-the-floor was widely used in that era, since the beat was played with the pedal-operated, drum-kit bass drum.[3][4] (Punch 808-Kick)
Polyrhythm 4 on the Floor examples 2:4 or 5:4
Hard trance is often characterized by strong, hard (or even downpitch) kicks, fully resonant basses and an increased amount of reverberation applied to the main beat. Melodies vary from 140 to 180 BPMs and it can feature plain instrumental sound in early compositions, with the latter ones tending to implement side-chaining techniques of progressive on digital synthesizers.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
Capo: Describes a ranking made member of a family who leads a crew of soldiers. A capo is similar to a military captain who commands soldiers. Soldier: Also known as a “made man,” soldiers are the lowest members of the crime family but still command respect in the organization.
A capo is a "made member" of an Italian crime family who heads a regime or "crew" of soldiers and has major status and influence in the organization.
Consigliere: Defense and Corporate Lawyers
Head Boss: Ministry of Medicine
Underboss: Pharmaceutical Industry
Soliders: Artisans
Commercialism is the application of both manufacturing and consumption towards personal usage, or the practices, methods, aims, and distribution of products in a free market geared toward generating a profit.
Commercial art is art created for advertising or marketing purposes. Commercial artists are hired by clients to create images and logos that sell products. Unlike works of fine art that convey an artist's personal expression, commercial art must address the client's goals.
The word 'Commercial' is defined as follows: Concerned with or engaged in commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods or services among two or more parties.
Craftsmen are committed to the medium, not to self-expression. Artists are committed to their self-expression, not the medium.
A medium of exchange is an intermediary instrument and system used to facilitate the purchase and sale of goods and services between parties.
Stretch and Micro Goals
Music Medium System: Distribution and Retailers Contract Theory (System) for Music (Instrument)
Football Medium System: Analytics and Geometry for Free Role (System) Trixies (Instrument)
Age 16-19
Bond Funds
Farmland REITS
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account
Age 20-30
Farmland Recession Proof Stocks (Cosmetics, AgTech, Ag ETFS, AgETN)
Incubator and Startup Accelerators
Real Estate Joint Ventures
Age 30-40
Farmland Blue Chip Indexes w/ Credit Spread Options
Swing Trading: Use mt4/mt5 With Heiken Ashi Charts, Setting at 14 or 21 Momentum Indicator above 0 as Divergence Oscillator and Volume Spread Analysis as Reversal Oscillator and Trade when bullish candlesticks above 200 exponential moving average and/or 20 exponential moving average (EMA) on H1 (Hourly) Time Frame; use H4 (4 Hours) and D1 (1 Day) as reference.
Purpose: Permanent Residency Card
$250k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and term deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$75k: Spending Cash
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries, and weapons manufacturers.
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
CPP, CNS Depressants, et FENTALOGS: Cul-de-sac
Defensive Penalty Capture The Flag Raiding Warfare
Grey-Decentralized Markets
Bastilles: Cul-de-sac Artist Résidences Penthouse Complexes
Polyrhythm Raves
Acid House Art Gallery
International Film Festival
Hôtel Chefs
Seigneurial System/Tableau Economique Raw Material Économics Production Spot
Discount Networking Acid House Party
Opium Dens and Fragrance Festivals
Pill Pressers
CNS depressants
Upper-tier County System
Defense Lawyers are Traplords (Trafficking P4P and Malicious Prosecution)
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
Brain Receptor Dealing
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus
Religious Ecstasy
Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts
Live-Pool Betting Monopoly Board Game
Summary Sentencing
Urban Level: Street Culture Art Gallery (Street culture may refer to: Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, Street market, Children's street culture, Street carnival, Block party, Street identity, Street food, Café culture, Several youth subculture or counterculture topics pertaining to outdoors of urban centers. These can include: Street art, Street photography, Street racing, Street wear, Hip-hop culture, Urban fiction, Street sports, Streetball, Flatland BMX, Freestyling), Art Pedagogy, Artist Residency, Art Schools, and Art Plugs
Art Pedagogy: Arts-based pedagogy is a teaching methodology in which an art form is integrated with another subject matter to impact student learning. 28-30. Arts-based pedagogy results in arts-based learning (ABL),11 which is when a student learns about a subject through arts processes including creating, responding or performing. Aesthetic Teaching: Seeking a Balance between Teaching Arts and Teaching through the Arts. In aesthetic education, learning must be developed especially with the inclusion of sensations and with the help of feelings. Sensations and feelings should lead to movement, representation, and expression. Aesthetic learning often entails learning to distinguish certain qualities or objects aesthetically in different ways depending on the situation and the purpose. Certain things can be experienced in negative ways in one activity and in positive ways in another.
A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests
Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. Each individual 'patch' of the tattoo can be a different design, symbol or element with a little space in between. Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. In short, the gun-toting angel was a multifaceted metaphor. “It undoubtedly also reflected the Catholic Counter-Reformation militaristic rhetoric,” wrote Donahue-Wallace, “which promoted the church as an army and heavenly beings as its soldiers.”
J'Cartier, Je cours après les vœux de champagne,
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Grey & Decentralized Markets
Tableau Économique
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
High Socioeconomic Status & Tattoos
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
Keystone Theory Habits
Game Theory
Behavioral Finance
Self-actualization is the complete realization of one's potential, and the full development of one's abilities and appreciation for life. This concept is at the top of the Maslow hierarchy of needs, so not every human being reaches it.
Potential Psychology: Psychological potential is a very broad concept. It may include one's capacity to conform, change, re-invent oneself, bounce back from adversity, etc.
+EV Optimal Game Theory Poker
Civil, Agriculure, Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction, and Biomechanical Engineering
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism,[1] originally published as Imperialism, the Newest Stage of Capitalism,[2][3] is a book written by Vladimir Lenin in 1916 and published in 1917. It describes the formation of oligopoly, by the interlacing of bank and industrial capital, in order to create a financial oligarchy, and explains the function of financial capital in generating profits from the exploitation colonialism inherent to imperialism, as the final stage of capitalism. The essay synthesises Lenin's developments of Karl Marx's theories of political economy in Das Kapital (1867).[4]
Tax Mergers Law; Market-extension merger: Two companies that sell the same products in different markets. 4.2.2 Corporate Taxation At the corporate level, the tax treatment of a merger or acquisition depends on whether the acquiring firm elects to treat the acquired firm as being absorbed into the parent with its tax attributes intact, or first being liquidated and then received in the form of its component assets.
Seconds Liberal Arts are often viewed as pre-professional since, while conceived of as fundamental to citizenship, they address the whole person in recognition that our moral and spiritual identities develop best through participation in a society that perpetually renews the rights and responsibilities of membership.
Executive management master's degree programs often result in an Executive Master of Business Administration, or EMBA. They are primarily designed to act as accelerated graduate programs for working professionals who already hold management or executive positions.
Engineering college means a school, college, university, department of a university or other educational institution, reputable and in good standing in accordance with rules prescribed by the Department, and which grants baccalaureate degrees in engineering.
Monopoly Family Boarding Schools: The socio-historical context refers to the societal and historical conditions and circumstances that influence events or individuals. It involves elements like the cultural, economic, and political circumstances during a certain time period.
Agriculturism is an ideology promoting rural life, a traditional way of life. It is characterized by the valorization of traditional values (the family, the French language, the Catholic religion) and an opposition to the industrial world.
Demonym Examples: CAR Congolese, Gabon Congolese, Afrikaans Congolese, and Congolese
Monopoly Family (Apartheid)
Chief Executive of State (Apartheid)
Political Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Upper Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Working Class (RUSSE NOIR)
Blue Ocean Strategy; Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering and Economic Science.
A clay-court specialist is a tennis player who excels on clay courts, more than on any other surface.
Due in part to advances in racquet technology, current clay-court specialists are known for employing long, winding groundstrokes that generate heavy topspin; such strokes are less effective on faster surfaces on which the balls do not bounce as high. Clay-court specialists tend to slide more effectively on clay than other players. Many of them are also very adept at hitting the drop shot, which can be effective because rallies on clay courts often leave players pushed far beyond the baseline. Additionally, the slow, long rallies require a great degree of mental focus and physical stamina.
The Casa Pia is a Portuguese institution founded by Maria I, known as A Pia ("Mary the Pious"), and organized by Police Intendant Pina Manique in 1780, following the social disarray of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. For almost three centuries, thousands of young boys and girls were raised by Casa Pia, including many public personalities, called casapianos. Casa Pia is Portugal's largest educational institution dedicated to helping youngsters in risk of social exclusion or without parental support. The organisation is composed of ten schools and enrolls approximately 4700 students. In addition to standard schooling, the organisation also provides boarding for children in need. It strives to enable these youngsters to become healthy and successful members of society, by developing intellectual, manual, and physical traits, in an environment promoting spiritual, moral, and religious values. The institution is proud to have had amongst its students many outstanding Portuguese personalities, including politicians, journalists, and artists. A martyrology is a catalogue or list of martyrs and other saints and beati arranged in the calendar order of their anniversaries or feasts. Local martyrologies record exclusively the custom of a particular Church. Local lists were enriched by names borrowed from neighbouring churches.[1] Consolidation occurred, by the combination of several local martyrologies, with or without borrowings from literary sources.
The Canons Regular of St. Augustine are priests who live in community under a rule (Latin: regula and κανών, kanon, in Greek) and are generally organised into religious orders, differing from both secular canons and other forms of religious life, such as clerics regular, designated by a partly similar terminology. As religious communities, they have laybrothers as part of the community.
Clerics regular are clerics (mostly priests) who are members of a religious order under a rule of life (regular). Clerics regular differ from canons regular in that they devote themselves more to pastoral care, in place of an obligation to the praying of the Liturgy of the Hours in common, and have fewer observances in their rule of life.
Lay brother is a largely extinct term referring to religious brothers, particularly in the Catholic Church, who focused upon manual service and secular matters, and were distinguished from choir monks or friars in that they did not pray in choir, and from clerics, in that they were not in possession of (or preparing for) holy orders.[1][2][3][4][5]
In female religious institutes, the equivalent role is the lay sister. Lay brothers were originally created to allow those who were skilled in particular crafts or did not have the required education to study for holy orders to participate in and contribute to the life of a religious order.
Lay brothers were found in many religious orders. Drawn from the working classes, they were pious and hardworking people, who though unable to achieve the education needed to receive holy orders, were still drawn to religious life and were able to contribute to the order through their skills. Some were skilled in artistic handicrafts, others functioned as administrators of the orders' material assets. In particular, the lay brothers of the Cistercians were skilled in agriculture, and have been credited for the tilling of fertile farmland.[1]
Lay sisters were found in most of the orders of women, and their origin, like that of the lay brothers, is to be found in the necessity of providing the choir nuns with more time for the Office and study, as well as creating the opportunity for the illiterate to join the religious life. They, too, wore a habit different from those of the choir sisters, and their required daily prayers consisted of prayers such as the Little Office or a certain number of Paters.[1]
All canons regular are to be distinguished from secular canons who belong to a resident group of priests but who do not take public vows and are not governed in whatever elements of life they lead in common by a historical rule. One obvious place where such groups of priests are required is at a cathedral, where there were many Masses to celebrate and the Divine Office to be prayed together in community.
In modern astrology, Mars is the primary native ruler of the first house. Traditionally however, Mars ruled both the third and tenth houses, and had its joy in the fifth house. While Venus tends to the overall relationship atmosphere, Mars is the passionate impulse and action, the masculine aspect, discipline, willpower and stamina.
Mars rules over Tuesday and in Romance languages the word for Tuesday often resembles Mars (in Romanian, marți, in Spanish, martes, in French, mardi and in Italian "martedì"). The English "Tuesday" is a modernised form of "Tyr's Day", Tyr being the Germanic analogue to Mars. Dante Alighieri associated Mars with the liberal art of arithmetic. In Chinese astrology, Mars is ruled by the element fire, which is passionate, energetic and adventurous.
According to John Clements, the term martial arts itself is derived from an older Latin term meaning "arts of Mars", the Roman god of war, and was used to refer to the combat systems of Europe (European martial arts) as early as the 1550s
A religious congregation is a type of religious institute in the Catholic Church. They are legally distinguished from religious orders – the other major type of religious institute – in that members take simple vows, whereas members of religious orders take solemn vows.
In the Catholic Church, a religious order is a community of consecrated life with members that profess solemn vows. They are classed as a type of religious institute.[1]
Catholic School Girls Moon Evangelical Prophets: Consecrated life is "placed in a privileged position in the line of evangelical prophecy," whereby its “charismatic nature” and communal discernment of the Spirit "makes it capable of inventiveness and originality.”
Men Mars Angelology Conversion System: Church Enterprises (Planetary Intelligence Church District Real Estate; Liberal Arts Catholic Immersion Schools; Gold; Athletics; Cooking);
Church Gatherings (School Nights Virgil, Weekend Noon Mass then Weekend Sports League) Francis de Sales and Don St. Bosco Influence
Harquebusier Angels Patchwork Tattoos: Biblical Crowns, Praying Hands, Gun Toting Angels, Dirty Dancing Angels, Drug Using Angels, Heavenly Choir, Summa Theologica Sherman, Saints and Pastors, Hebrew Tetragram, Council of Trent
HARQUEBUSIER ANGELS GANG BLUEPRINT: PARDISUS MEDIAE; Spirit Unity Oversoul Angelology Shaman, Eros Influence Angels: Ecstasy-Painkillers Trafficking Angel Spirit Type Oversoul, Jupiter-Mars-Venus with Planetary Intelligence; Erotes are Horcruxes, Google Imprint Oversoul, Choice of Choir is Heavenly Host, Lightning-Ice Element, Wings Transfer Invocation, MARS-JUPITER Syncretism Planetary Intelligence, ESTJ Sensory Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator Syncretism, Church Expenses Occupation (Festivals, Venues, Freeports, Art Gallery, Underground Garages, Tobacco Store, Restaurants, Réal Estate Brokerage, Impure Aesthetic Thrillers Publishing Imprint et Production Company, Body Etching, Lipodissolve, and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers Cosmetics Surgery
ANGOLAN HARQUEBUSIER ANGELS STRUCTURE; Commission on the Social and Cultural Affairs; Commission for Ecumenism; The Commission on Christian Education; Liturgical Commission; Missionary Committee; Chief Executive of State and Military Religion Legislation; Stretch and Micro Goals
Material religion is a framework used by scholars of religion to examine the interaction between religion and material culture. It focuses on the place of objects, images, spaces, and buildings in religious communities. The framework has been promoted by scholars such as Birgit Meyer, Sally Promey, S. Brent Plate, David Morgan, etc.
Physiocracy (French: physiocratie; from the Greek for "government of nature") is an economic theory developed by a group of 18th-century Age of Enlightenment French economists who believed that the wealth of nations derived solely from the value of "land agriculture" or "land development" and that agricultural products should be highly priced.[1] Their theories originated in France and were most popular during the second half of the 18th century. Physiocracy became one of the first well-developed theories of economics.
The Bible typically describes the Heavenly host as being made up of angels, and gives several descriptions of angels in military terms, such as their encampment (Genesis 32:1–2), command structure (Psalms 91:11–12; Matt.13:41; Rev.7:2), and participation in combat (Job 19:12; Rev.12:7). Other passages indicate other entities make up the divine army, namely stars (Judges 5:20, Isaiah 40:26).[1][full citation needed] In Christian theology, the heavenly host participate in the war in Heaven.
The doctrine or theory of immanence holds that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world. It is held by some philosophical and metaphysical theories of divine presence. Immanence is usually applied in monotheistic, pantheistic, pandeistic, or panentheistic faiths to suggest that the spiritual world permeates the mundane.
The Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which sometimes used intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques (like dance and music) to remove inhibitions and social constraints, liberating the individual to return to a natural state.
Religious nationalism can be understood in a number of ways, such as nationalism as a religion itself, a position articulated by Carlton Hayes in his text Nationalism: A Religion, or as the relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, dogma, ideology, or affiliation. This relationship can be broken down into two aspects: the politicisation of religion and the influence of religion on politics.
Dioceses ruled by an archbishop are commonly referred to as archdioceses; most are metropolitan sees, being placed at the head of an ecclesiastical province. In the Catholic Church, some are suffragans of a metropolitan see or are directly subject to the Holy See.
The body of light, sometimes called the 'astral body'[a] or the 'subtle body,'[b] is a "quasi material"[1] aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. Other terms used for this body include body of glory,[2] spirit-body, luciform body, augoeides ('radiant body'), astroeides ('starry or sidereal body'), and celestial body.[3] The concept derives from the philosophy of Plato: the word 'astral' means 'of the stars'; thus the astral plane consists of the Seven Heavens of the classical planets. The idea is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife[4] in which the soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an ecstatic, mystical or out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in their body of light into 'higher' realms."[5]
The canon law of the Catholic Church (from Latin ius canonicum[1]) is "how the Church organizes and governs herself".[2] It is the system of laws and ecclesiastical legal principles made and enforced by the hierarchical authorities of the Catholic Church to regulate its external organization and government and to order and direct the activities of Catholics toward the mission of the Church.
An institute of consecrated life is an association of faithful in the Catholic Church canonically erected by competent church authorities to enable men or women who publicly profess the evangelical counsels by religious vows or other sacred bonds "through the charity to which these counsels lead to be joined to the Church and its mystery in a special way".[1] They are defined in the 1983 Code of Canon Law under canons 573–730. The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has ecclesial oversight of institutes of consecrated life.[2]
In Christianity, the three evangelical counsels, or counsels of perfection, are chastity (NEVER), poverty (or perfect charity), and obedience (RECKLESS ABANDONMENT).[1] As stated by Jesus in the canonical gospels,[2] they are counsels for those who desire to become "perfect" (τελειος, teleios).[3][4] The Catholic Church interprets this to mean that they are not binding upon all, and hence not necessary conditions to attain eternal life (heaven), but that they are "acts of supererogation", "over and above" the minimum stipulated in the biblical commandments.[5][6]
Catholics who have made a public profession to order their lives by the evangelical counsels, and confirmed this by public vows before their competent church authority (the act of religious commitment known as a profession), are recognised as members of the consecrated life.
The Council of Trent (Latin: Concilium Tridentinum), held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent (or Trento), now in northern Italy, was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Prompted by the Protestant Reformation at the time, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation. The Council issued key statements and clarifications of the Church's doctrine and teachings, including scripture, the biblical canon, sacred tradition, original sin, justification, salvation, the sacraments, the Mass, and the veneration of saints[4] and also issued condemnations of what it defined to be heresies committed by proponents of Protestantism. The consequences of the Council were also significant with regard to the Church's liturgy and censorship.
Initiated in part to address the challenges of the Protestant Reformations,[3] the Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort arising from the decrees of the Council of Trent. The effort produced apologetic and polemical documents, heresy trials, anti-corruption efforts, spiritual movements, the promotion of new religious orders, and the flourishing of new art and musical styles.
Tradwave is a Catholic artistic style using synthwave and vaporwave art to promote traditional catholicism. Tradwave usually uses traditional catholic paintings, sculptures, or photographs of saints, given with vaporwave effects, often with a bible verse or quote about catholicism. The art usually tries to convey a resurrection of catholic spirituality in the modern atheist world. Figures often depicted in Tradwave art include Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Ven. Fulton Sheen, Cardinal Robert Sarah, and Mother Angelica.
Tradwave music often takes the form of two main styles. One of them is catholic hymns with vaporwave effects and traditional Vaporwave/Lo-Fi music. It can also have quotes from modern prolific Catholic figures, such as Ven. The other theme is Fulton Sheen and Cardinal Robert Sarah.
Heavenly Virtues: Another phrase to describe this obedience to the voice is “reckless abandon.” It simply means that we let God do what God wants to do through us. It means if He tells us to do something or say something—we do it.
Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others, or asking a saint in heaven to pray on behalf of oneself or for others. Intercession of the Saints is a Christian doctrine that maintains that saints can intercede for others. To intercede is to go or come between two parties, to plead before one of them on behalf of the other. In ecclesiastical usage both words are taken in the sense of the intervention primarily of Christ, and secondarily of the Blessed Virgin and the angels and saints, on behalf of men.[2] The doctrine is held by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Oriental Orthodox churches , and some Lutherans and Anglicans (chiefly those of Evangelical Catholic or Anglo-Catholic churchmanship, respectively).[3] The practice of asking saints for their intercession can be found in Christian writings from the 3rd century onwards.[4][5][6] Catholic doctrine supports intercessory prayer to saints. This practice is an application of the doctrine of the Communion of saints. Some of the early basis for this was the belief that martyrs passed immediately into the presence of God and could obtain graces and blessings for others, which naturally and immediately led to their direct invocation. A further reinforcement was derived from the cult of the angels which, while pre-Christian in its origin, was heartily embraced by the faithful of the sub-Apostolic age. The doctrine of intercession and invocation was set forth by the Council of Trent, which teaches that "... the saints who reign together with Christ offer up their own prayers to God for men. It is good and useful suppliantly to invoke them, and to have recourse to their prayers, aid, and help for obtaining benefits from God, through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Who alone is our Redeemer and Saviour".[10] Intercessory prayer to saintly persons who have not yet been beatified can also practiced by individuals, and evidence of miracles produced as a result of such prayer is very commonly produced during the formal process of beatification and canonization.
In short, the gun-toting angel was a multifaceted metaphor. “It undoubtedly also reflected the Catholic Counter-Reformation militaristic rhetoric,” wrote Donahue-Wallace, “which promoted the church as an army and heavenly beings as its soldiers.” These "Harquebusier Angels" or "Arcabuceros" are full-length depictions of winged angels, elaborately dressed, and carrying matchlock guns (harquebuses).
The related term astrolatry usually implies polytheism. In anthropological literature these systems of practice may be referred to as astral cults.
A friar is a member of one of the mendicant orders in the Roman Catholic Church. There are also friars outside of the Roman Catholic Church, such as within the Anglican Communion. The term, first used in the 12th or 13th century, distinguishes the mendicants' itinerant apostolic character, exercised broadly under the jurisdiction of a superior general, from the older monastic orders' allegiance to a single monastery formalized by their vow of stability. A friar may be in holy orders or be a non-ordained brother. The most significant orders of friars are the Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians, and Carmelites.[1]
Romans 8:31; Exploring Biblical Imagery is one of the most important keys to interpreting and gaining a deeper understanding of the Bible. The Bible often communicates truth to us through images and patterns.
Throughout history, armed priests or soldier priests have been recorded. Distinguished from military chaplains, who are non-combatants that provided spiritual guidance to service personnel and associated civilians, these priests took up arms and fought in conflicts as combatants. The term warrior priests or war priests is usually used for armed priests in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and of historical tribes.
Slang: In Romans 8:5-8, Paul presents a compelling contrast between living according to the flesh and living according to the Spirit. The flesh, with its disordered desires and rebellion against God, leads only to spiritual desolation. Martyr, one who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny their religion by words or deeds; such action is afforded special, institutionalized recognition in most major religions of the world. The term may also refer to anyone who sacrifices their life or something of great value for the sake of principle. A religious allusion is a brief reference to a person, event, place, or phrase from religious texts or traditions, without describing them in detail. 5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. Martyr/Romans 8 Allusion Slang.
Romeu e Julieta (Casapianos Order 1996 Adaptation 18+ Romance Thriller)
While it retains the original Shakespearean dialogue, the film represents the Montagues and the Capulets as warring mafia empires (with legitimate business fronts) and the Capulets were "a Latin family, sort of,"[15] played by Latin-American and Italian actors.[16] It is set in contemporary United States, where swords are replaced by guns[17] (with model names such as "Dagger", "Sword", and "Rapier"), and with a FedEx-style overnight delivery service called "Post Haste".[18] Shakespeare and Impure Aesthetics explores ideas about art implicit in Shakespeare's plays and defines specific Shakespearean aesthetic practices in his use of desire, death and mourning as resources for art. In fiction, a subplot or side story is a secondary strand of the plot that is a supporting side story for any story or for the main plot. Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or thematic significance. Subplots often involve supporting characters, those besides the protagonist or antagonist. Subplots may also intertwine with the main plot at some point in a story.[1]
Specifically, the royal psalms deal with the spiritual role of kings in the worship of Yahweh. Aside from that single qualification, there is nothing else which specifically links the ten psalms. Each of the psalms make explicit references to their subject, the king. Royal (messianic) psalms deal with the king as God's anointed or chosen one. Many are prayers for the wisdom of the king, his long life or success in battle. Some are prophetic in nature in that they also point to the ideal future king, the Messiah or the King of kings. A martyrology is a catalogue or list of martyrs and other saints and beati arranged in the calendar order of their anniversaries or feasts. Local martyrologies record exclusively the custom of a particular Church. Local lists were enriched by names borrowed from neighbouring churches.[1] Consolidation occurred, by the combination of several local martyrologies, with or without borrowings from literary sources. Simple martyrologies only enumerate names. Historical martyrologies, also sometimes called passionaries, also include stories or biographical details. (Reckless Abandonment; Mars Shamanism and Casa Pia Wing Transfer Invocation)
In the martyrdom narrative of the remembering community, this refusal to comply with the presented demands results in the punishment or execution of an individual by an oppressor. Accordingly, the status of the 'martyr' can be considered a posthumous title as a reward for those who are considered worthy of the concept of martyrdom by the living, regardless of any attempts by the deceased to control how they will be remembered in advance.[1] Insofar, the martyr is a relational figure of a society's boundary work that is produced by collective memory.[2] Originally applied only to those who suffered for their religious beliefs, the term has come to be used in connection with people killed for a political cause. (Armed Friars and The War for Central Africa between Casapianos and The French; The Fall of Yoruba for Bembé; Arcubusier Angels in Africa)
The Metal Ages is a term for the period of human civilization beginning about 6,000 years ago during which metallurgy rapidly advanced, and human populations started using metals such as copper, tin, bronze and finally iron to make tools and weapons. By heating and shaping metals in hot furnaces, humanity also learned to use precious metals such as gold and silver to make intricate ornaments.[1][2] With these technological adaptions, human society became more productive and human settlements became larger and more prosperous, but also more violent.[3] The Metal Ages are divided into three stages: the Copper Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.[1][2] (Calcium Age of Angola)
Heortology or eortology is a science that deals with the origin and development of religious festivals,[1] and more specifically the study of the history and criticism of liturgical calendars and martyrologies*. Religious Ecstacy Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts.
Sight: Fireworks on Water Front
Sound: Casapianos Palace Raves
Scent: Overnight Fragrance
Taste: Lamb and Wool
Touch: Tomato Food Fight
24 notes
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I'm from France and I support Donald Trump for his concrete actions and significant impact during his presidency, where he worked tirelessly for the benefit of America and its people. Firstly, his economic policies led to historic growth, creating millions of jobs and reducing unemployment to record lows, especially among African American and Hispanic communities. His tax reforms lowered taxes for workers and businesses, spurring investments and allowing families to retain more of their income.
In national security, Trump reinforced the borders by implementing measures to protect the country from illegal entries and trafficking, thereby contributing to the safety of citizens. The construction of new border wall segments discouraged illegal entries and reduced cross-border crime. Additionally, he supported law enforcement, allocating extra resources to ensure the security of American communities.
On the foreign policy front, Trump pursued a peace-through-strength approach, negotiating historic agreements such as the Abraham Accords, which paved the way for unprecedented normalization between Israel and several Arab countries, promoting stability in the Middle East. He also took a firm stance against international threats, imposing sanctions on Iran and negotiating fairer trade deals with China.
Donald Trump also championed Americans' rights in the face of a rising federal bureaucracy and over-regulation. He cut red tape and relaxed regulations to empower small businesses, granting greater freedom for entrepreneurship. His defense of conservative values, especially regarding religious freedom and the protection of life, resonated with many Americans who view him as a defender of the nation's foundational principles.
Finally, his approach to the COVID-19 pandemic was swift and decisive. Through Operation Warp Speed, he accelerated the development of vaccines at an unprecedented rate, saving countless lives and equipping America with the tools needed to effectively combat the pandemic.
As a leader, Trump has been a symbol of courage and conviction, and he remains committed to defending the interests of America and its citizens. For all these reasons, we stand with his vision for a strong, prosperous, and sovereign country.
7 notes
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The Rise of Blockchain: Changing Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
Blockchain generation has evolved considerably on account that its inception in 2008 as the inspiration for Bitcoin. Initially identified for its function in cryptocurrencies, blockchain has increased into a couple of industries, disrupting traditional commercial enterprise fashions and influencing society in profound ways. From improving transparency and security in transactions to allowing decentralized finance, blockchain is revolutionizing how businesses operate and how human beings interact with digital structures. This article explores the effect of blockchain on organizations and society, focusing on its advantages, demanding situations, and potential destiny developments.
Impact Of Blockchain On Society
Impact on Business
Blockchain generation gives organizations numerous advantages, which includes improved security, efficiency, and transparency. Many industries are leveraging blockchain to optimize operations, lessen costs, and construct agree with among stakeholders.
1. Enhanced Security and Transparency
One of blockchain’s maximum enormous benefits is its ability to offer steady and obvious transactions. The decentralized and immutable nature of blockchain manner that once facts is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted. This gets rid of the chance of fraud, unauthorized get entry to, and information manipulation, that is specifically useful in industries like banking, healthcare, and deliver chain management.
For example, in economic services, blockchain ensures that transactions are steady and verifiable, lowering the risks of fraud and cyberattacks. Smart contracts—self-executing contracts with coded regulations—in addition decorate protection through making sure agreements are automatically enforced with out intermediaries.
2. Efficiency and Cost Reduction
Blockchain eliminates the want for intermediaries, decreasing transaction expenses and increasing operational efficiency. Traditional commercial enterprise processes regularly contain multiple parties, main to delays and further expenses. Blockchain simplifies transactions by permitting peer-to-peer interactions and real-time agreement.
For instance, in deliver chain management, blockchain allows actual-time monitoring of goods from production to transport. Companies like IBM and Walmart use blockchain to beautify supply chain transparency, decreasing inefficiencies and improving product authenticity.
3 Transforming Financial Services
The monetary sector has skilled substantial disruption because of blockchain. Decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms provide alternatives to standard banking, permitting customers to get right of entry to economic offerings without relying on centralized institutions.
Blockchain-based virtual currencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, have added new strategies of moving value globally with minimal fees. Cross-border payments, which formerly took days and involved excessive transaction prices, at the moment are processed instantly and value-efficiently using blockchain era.
Moreover, valuable banks worldwide are exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to improve financial rules and financial inclusion. Countries like China, Sweden, and the US are trying out CBDCs to streamline charge systems and decrease reliance on coins.
Four. Improved Data Management and Identity Verification
Businesses generate enormous quantities of information that require steady garage and efficient control. Blockchain gives a decentralized answer for statistics management, ensuring records is stored securely and accessed most effective by way of legal events.
One of the maximum promising applications is digital identity verification. Blockchain-primarily based identity answers permit people to manipulate their non-public records, lowering identification robbery and fraud. Companies like Microsoft and IBM are growing blockchain-primarily based virtual identification structures to improve safety and privacy.
Five. Revolutionizing Healthcare
Blockchain is remodeling the healthcare industry via improving records security, patient file management, and drug supply chain monitoring.
Patient information saved on blockchain can be securely accessed with the aid of authorized healthcare companies, ensuring correct and efficient clinical records monitoring. Additionally, blockchain prevents counterfeit drugs from entering the deliver chain by using verifying the authenticity of pharmaceutical products.
For instance, MediLedger, a blockchain-primarily based community, facilitates pharmaceutical organizations tune pills and prevent counterfeit drugs from achieving purchasers.
6. New Business Models and Innovation
Blockchain allows the improvement of new business fashions, inclusive of tokenization and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Tokenization lets in agencies to transform bodily assets into digital tokens, allowing fractional possession and liquidity.
NFTs have revolutionized the artwork and amusement enterprise by means of supplying a decentralized way to authenticate and alternate digital assets. Artists and content material creators can promote their paintings directly to shoppers, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring truthful compensation.
Impact on Society
Blockchain is not simply remodeling agencies; it's also reshaping society through selling decentralization, financial inclusion, and believe in virtual interactions.
1. Financial Inclusion
A huge part of the global population lacks get entry to to traditional banking offerings. Blockchain presents an opportunity for the unbanked to participate inside the global economy thru digital wallets and decentralized finance platforms.
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based totally financial offerings permit individuals in developing international locations to ship and receive bills without counting on banks. Mobile-based totally blockchain wallets provide an alternative to conventional banking, permitting users to shop and switch finances securely.
For example, structures like Stellar and Celo are centered on supplying less expensive financial offerings to underserved populations, supporting bridge the distance between the unbanked and financial systems.
2. Decentralization and Empowerment
Blockchain promotes decentralization by using getting rid of the need for intermediaries, giving individuals more manipulate over their assets and records. This is specially relevant in regions with risky governments and monetary systems, where human beings face demanding situations accessing banking offerings and securing their wealth.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are every other example of blockchain-pushed empowerment. DAOs permit communities to make collective selections without centralized leadership, fostering democratic and obvious governance.
3. Increased Trust and Accountability
In many sectors, lack of transparency and responsibility has led to corruption and inefficiencies. Blockchain enhances trust by using providing an immutable and transparent document of transactions.
Governments and organizations can use blockchain to improve public trust through ensuring transparency in elections, supply chains, and charity donations. For instance, blockchain-primarily based voting systems can save you election fraud and increase voter confidence. Estonia has implemented blockchain-based balloting to beautify electoral protection and integrity.
Four. Environmental and Ethical Concerns
While blockchain gives many benefits, it additionally raises worries, particularly concerning electricity intake. Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain networks, which include Bitcoin, require extensive energy to validate transactions, contributing to environmental issues.
However, newer blockchain models like Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consume notably less electricity and are being followed to deal with those worries. Ethereum’s transition from PoW to PoS in 2022 reduced its energy consumption through over ninety nine%, making blockchain extra sustainable.
Five. Privacy and Data Ownership
In the virtual age, private facts is frequently misused via agencies and governments. Blockchain-primarily based privateness solutions empower individuals to manipulate their records and limit unauthorized access.
Self-sovereign identification (SSI) is a concept in which people personal and manipulate their digital identities with out relying on 1/3 events. This prevents records breaches and identity theft at the same time as improving privacy protection.
6. Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
Blockchain technology is being used for humanitarian efforts, providing useful resource to refugees and disaster-stricken regions more efficaciously. Organizations like the World Food Programme (WFP) use blockchain to distribute aid without delay to beneficiaries, decreasing fraud and ensuring transparency.
For instance, WFP’s "Building Blocks" assignment uses blockchain to distribute meals assistance to Syrian refugees, ensuring finances attain those in want without intermediaries.
Challenges and Future Outlook
Despite its capacity, blockchain faces numerous challenges, together with:
Regulatory Uncertainty – Governments worldwide are still developing guidelines for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, developing uncertainty for agencies and customers.
Scalability Issues – Some blockchain networks conflict with gradual transaction processing speeds, restricting vast adoption.
Adoption Barriers – Many groups and people lack the technical know-how to put in force and use blockchain correctly.
Security Risks – While blockchain is steady, vulnerabilities in clever contracts and decentralized programs may be exploited via hackers.
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The Secret Guide to Find the Best Intellectual Property Lawyer
In today's rapidly evolving world, intellectual property (IP) has become a valuable and fiercely protected asset. Whether you're a creative artist, a tech startup, or an established corporation, your ideas, inventions, and innovations deserve safeguarding. This is where intellectual property lawyers come into play. In this article, we'll explore the critical role of intellectual property lawyers and why their expertise is indispensable in an era of creativity and innovation.
Understanding Intellectual Property
Before we delve into the role of an intellectual property lawyer, it's essential to grasp what intellectual property encompasses. Intellectual property refers to the legal rights granted to individuals or entities over their creations or inventions. These creations can include:
Copyrightable Works: Such as literature, music, films, and software. Trademarks: Identifiers of goods or services that distinguish them from others. Patents: Exclusive rights to inventions, processes, and innovations. Trade Secrets: Proprietary information, like manufacturing processes, formulas, or customer lists.
The Vital Role of Intellectual Property Lawyers
Strategic Counsel: Intellectual property lawyers provide strategic guidance on how to protect your IP assets. They assess your unique needs and develop a customized plan to safeguard your creations.
IP Portfolio Management: For businesses, managing a portfolio of IP assets can be complex. Lawyers assist in organizing, maintaining, and enforcing these assets, ensuring they remain valuable assets.
Registration and Filing: Intellectual property lawyers are experts in filing and registering IP with the appropriate government authorities. This includes copyright registrations, trademark applications, and patent filings.
IP Enforcement: When someone infringes upon your intellectual property rights, an IP lawyer is your advocate. They can send cease-and-desist letters, negotiate settlements, or take legal action on your behalf.
Defensive Strategies: Intellectual property lawyers can help clients defend against allegations of IP infringement. They evaluate the claims, gather evidence, and develop a strong defense strategy.
Licensing and Contracts: Many IP owners license their rights to others. Lawyers negotiate and draft licensing agreements, ensuring that the terms protect the IP owner's interests.
Due Diligence: In mergers, acquisitions, or investments, intellectual property lawyers conduct due diligence to assess the value and risks associated with IP assets.
Challenges in the Digital Age
In today's digital age, the protection of intellectual property faces unique challenges. The ease of copying and distributing digital content, the rise of online infringement, and the global nature of the internet have added complexity to IP issues. Intellectual property lawyers must adapt to these challenges by staying current on legal developments, cybersecurity threats, and international IP treaties.
The Importance of Early Action
One crucial aspect of intellectual property protection is early action. Waiting until an issue arises can be costly and limit your legal options. Intellectual property lawyers stress the importance of proactive protection. Whether you're an individual artist or a business entity, consulting with an IP lawyer early in the creative or innovative process can help you establish a strong foundation for protection.
Navigating International IP Law:
In our interconnected world, intellectual property often crosses international borders. Intellectual property lawyers are well-versed in international IP treaties and agreements. They can assist clients in protecting their IP rights globally, ensuring that innovations, trademarks, and copyrights are safeguarded in multiple jurisdictions.
IP Litigation and Enforcement:
When disputes over intellectual property arise, IP lawyers are prepared to advocate for their clients in legal proceedings. IP litigation can be complex, involving issues such as patent infringement, copyright disputes, or trademark challenges. Lawyers specializing in IP have the expertise to build strong cases and represent their clients effectively in court.
Emerging Technologies and IP:
As technology continues to advance, intellectual property lawyers are at the forefront of addressing novel challenges. This includes issues related to artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality, and biotechnology. Lawyers work to ensure that innovators in these fields have adequate protection for their creations while also navigating the ethical and legal complexities that arise.
Digital Rights Management (DRM):
In the digital age, the protection of digital content is paramount. IP lawyers play a role in advising content creators and distributors on implementing DRM strategies to prevent unauthorized copying or distribution of digital assets.
Open Source and IP Licensing:
Open-source software and collaborative projects have become essential parts of the tech industry. Intellectual property lawyers help clients understand the intricacies of open-source licensing and ensure compliance with license terms when using open-source software in their projects.
Protection Against Counterfeiting and Piracy:
Counterfeiting and piracy remain significant threats to intellectual property rights. IP lawyers work with clients to develop strategies to combat counterfeit products and piracy in various industries, from fashion to pharmaceuticals.
Education and Awareness:
Intellectual property lawyers often play an educational role, helping clients understand the importance of IP protection. They can offer guidance on best practices for IP management within organizations, including employee training on IP issues.
Environmental Considerations:
In some cases, intellectual property intersects with environmental concerns. IP lawyers work with clients to protect environmentally sustainable innovations, such as clean energy technologies, and navigate IP issues related to environmental regulations and patents.
Ethical Considerations:
The ethical responsibilities of IP lawyers are multifaceted. They must uphold the highest ethical standards in their practice, ensuring confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and providing clients with honest and transparent advice. Ethical considerations are particularly important when dealing with sensitive matters such as trade secrets.

Conclusion: Guardians of Innovation and Creativity
In a rapidly evolving world driven by innovation and creativity, intellectual property lawyers serve as essential guardians of the rights and interests of individuals, businesses, and organizations. They navigate complex legal landscapes, address emerging challenges in technology and digital media, and provide strategic guidance that allows innovators to thrive while protecting their valuable creations.
The role of an intellectual property lawyer extends beyond legal expertise; it encompasses a commitment to fostering innovation, creativity, and the responsible management of intellectual assets. By collaborating with these legal professionals, individuals and entities can navigate the intricate terrain of intellectual property rights, secure their innovations, and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of human progress. In an age where ideas and innovations are catalysts for change, intellectual property lawyers are instrumental in safeguarding the intellectual legacy of today and the innovations of tomorrow.
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Babylon A.D. Script
"Save the planet."
Whenever I've read that bumper sticker,
I've had to laugh.
"Save the planet."
What for? And from what?
From ourselves?
Life's simple:
Kill or be killed,
don't get involved...
...and always finish the job.
The survivor's code.
My code.
And it all sounds great until the day
you find yourself confronted by a choice.
A choice to make a difference,
to help someone...
...or to walk away and save yourself.
I learned something that day.
You can't always walk away.
Too bad it was the day I died.
Get out here!
Come here!
Get back!
You remember me?
You sold me a gun that don't work!
You almost got me killed!
I paid $20 for this.
I want my money back.
Give me that.
This one's very good, very good.
I owe you.
I'll save you some.
Hey, Toorop. Toorop.
Somebody came here looking for you.
Boy, what a massacre.
At the peak of the rush hour,
bombs were detonated in...
Karl, is that you?
I thought you were in Sudan
killing babies.
Remember the last time we met?
I told you if you ever
point that gun at me again...
...l'd kill you.
Who would hire a baby killer
to get me?
No shit. If you wanted me dead,
you'd have blown up the building.
Karl, you're a disgrace
to the profession.
You're not a mercenary,
you're a terrorist.
You need two things to live in this
business, your balls and your word.
You don't have either.
You know the difference
between you and me, Karl?
I still got both.
Take it easy.
Personal between him and me.
You are a hard man to find, Toorop.
I'm not hiding.
You could have knocked.
I needed to be sure
that you were the same idealist...
...who worked for me 10 years ago.
So you knew I was gonna kill Karl?
I don't like you, Gorsky.
You can't trust me
and I can't trust you.
Look at you.
Still in this shit hole, surviving.
No friends, no family, no future.
We are the same. You and me.
We're not the same.
What do you want?
I need a smuggler.
I don't do refugees anymore.
Use your own cargo.
- You own the borders anyway.
- Only on this side.
- This is an overseas delivery?
- A girl.
She needs to be in America
in six days.
Why are you playing with me?
You know I can't get back
into that country.
You know that U.N. passports
are impossible to fake.
This is not a fake.
Inject it in your neck
when you pass the official border.
This is your new life.
I'll do it for half a mil.
I can make you do it for free.
You can't make me do shit, Gorsky.
But you can pay me what I need
so I can get the job done right.
A car will pick you up outside.
Everything you need
will be in the trunk.
Cross me and you'll have no place
to hide anymore...
It goes both ways...
Good morning.
You must be Toorop.
I am Sister Rebeka.
I want to bring three simple rules
to your attention...
...before we start our journey.
I'm here to pick up one girl.
Wherever she goes, I go.
That is rule number one.
Rule number two, the less contact she
has with the outside world, the better.
You're here to protect her
from outside influences.
That includes seeing,
hearing and feeling.
Now, it's a harsh world
out there, Sister.
I know. That is why we live in here.
Shit. Okay, what's your third rule?
No foul language.
Do we have an agreement?
You listen to my one and only rule.
Don't fuck with me...
...or I'll leave you standing
in the middle of nowhere...
...with nothing but your ass to sell
to get back here...
...your perfect world.
Do we have an agreement?
Obviously, you are not a gentleman.
Obviously not.
Now that we have an understanding,
pick up the bags.
What's your name?
My name?
You don't have to talk to him.
You didn't introduce yourself.
My name is Toorop.
- Are you taking us to New York?
- Yes.
Now please get into the car.
Are you a killer, Mr. Toorop?
Look, lady. I'm just a delivery boy.
And to me you're just a package.
I'm not your friend, I'm not your brother,
I'm not your boyfriend.
In six days, I'm gonna deliver you
and never see you again.
Sister Rebeka's right.
We shouldn't even talk.
Come on.
Your Highness,
your child has left the convent.
At last.
Six days until we reveal our miracle
to the world.
Your Highness,
the press conference will begin shortly.
She's coming.
Let's pray.
Let's hurry up.
The train's gonna leave soon.
Take your bags.
Are you really going to need all that?
You can never have enough firepower,
In fact...
Never touched a gun in my life.
Now would be the perfect moment
to start.
No, thank you. I can defend myself.
Stay close, this is the real world.
There's no mercy for the weak.
Just because we're peaceful,
that doesn't mean we're weak.
It does here.
What are you doing?
We've located the targets.
Contact New York.
Patch me through to Darquandier.
They found her.
Be careful now.
Noelites would be watching too.
My daughter must not be harmed.
Put this on.
Come on.
I'm scared. Can I hold your hand?
Hold mine.
Hang on.
Okay, give me three.
Where are you going?
What are you doing? Come on.
Hey, come here.

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2023 / 28
Aperçu of the Week:
"When the lion China awakes, the world will tremble."
(Napoleon Bonaparte)
Bad News of the Week:
For months, the actions of the "Last Generation" have polarized in Germany. Who use civil disobedience as a means, call for more (political) activity against climate change and are increasingly criminalized. In doing so, they are deliberately crossing borders; after all, they are interfering with public order in a disruptive way. For example, by sticking themselves to busy intersections in order to put a stop to the archenemy, the combustion engine. As a nation of drivers, the Germans don't like that at all.
It's just as typically German to fly on vacation - we're world champions at that. And flying, with its catastrophic environmental record, combined with continued state subsidies, is a prime example of climate policy failure. So it's not really surprising that the organization paralyzed two airports on the first day of summer vacation in their states. And the displeasure was not just in Hamburg and Düsseldorf. Politicians were also quick to offer sharp criticism. Robert Habeck of the Green Party, for example, said, "The activists who are now blocking people's vacation travel are doing massive damage to the cause of climate protection." Anyone who really wants to stand up for climate protection must also have social acceptance in mind.
With this the Green politician, who is not only the Minister of Economics but also the Minister of Climate Protection, inadvertently sums it up. Because this is also evident in view of the current booking figures for air tourism: broad society simply does not want to accept that more needs to be done. And fast. But no, everyone just sticks to their comfortable habits: flying on vacation, driving a fat car, not paying for climate-friendly heating, doing online shopping in China and a schnitzel on the plate every day.
That's why journalist Janko Tietz of Der Spiegel poses a justified rhetorical question: "Perhaps Habeck also has a tip up his sleeve about how exactly he envisions protest that is socially accepted, hurts no one - and still has an effect." Because if it really is the case that both the Green Party and the climate protection minister have been softened by the results of the polls, the only thing left to do in view of the undeniable necessity is to protest in a way that hurts. Until the last one finally understands what is necessary.
Good News of the Week:
In the coalition agreement, the current government already stipulated that it wanted to define a new China strategy. That was at the end of 2021, before the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. In which China still refuses to show its colors and at the same time has significantly increased its aggressiveness toward Taiwan. And which, in its economic implications, has brought the issue of "dependence" into the mainstream consciousness.
This week, the announced paper was put on the table. 64 pages that give the impression that something has actually been learned from past experience. Sure, there is no denying that China is Germany's most important trading partner. As a sales market and as a production location. And it is admitted that in many international issues, such as the fight against climate change, it will not be possible without the Middle Kingdom. That is simply the reality.
But otherwise, there is a refreshing amount of plain speaking. In a thoroughly critical manner. A China that is taking a much more offensive stance in foreign policy is trying "in various ways to reshape the rules-based international order. This has implications for European and global security." it says already in the introduction. Likewise, the human rights violations against the Uyghurs, in Tibet and Hong Kong are clearly named.
In the economic context, too, one gets the impression that the same mistake as with the dependence on Russian gas should not happen again. There should be no decoupling from China, but the dependence on key technologies and important raw materials should be reduced. The opening of chip and battery factories at home fits in with this, even if it is more expensive. So there also seems to be a consensus within the economy itself. That's a good thing.
Personal happy moment of the week:
We had some storms last week. For example, heavy branches from the tree next door fell into the chicken enclosure of the neighboring farm. Probably with victims. I also had problems getting home from Baden-Württemberg on Thursday because of closed railroad lines - falling trees had cut power lines. Nevertheless, standing between far too many people on the train, I was dominated by confidence. I made it. Uncomfortably and with a lot of time. But still. And I will stick to taking the (ecologically better) train instead of the car. Even in difficult situations, it works, after all.
I couldn't care less...
...about the Swedish definition of freedom of expression. Following the public burning of a copy of the Koran two weeks ago, Stockholm police have authorized a demonstration to burn the holy scriptures of Jews and Christians. The choice of location alone - in front of the Israeli embassy - shows that this is a deliberate provocation that is politically motivated. Covering that with reference to the legitimate expression of personal opinion puts me in a dilemma of weighing different value-based rights against each other. Difficult.
As I write this...
...it is 33 degrees Celsius. Even I wear shorts, which my daughter finds laughable. And I drink Aperol Sprizz, which is often considered a typical women's drink. And listen to summer hits playlists that are close to the radio program, which is actually unpopular with me. Sometimes you just have to compromise.
Post Scriptum
Germany depends on immigration to maintain its prosperity. This is not just about the increasingly sought-after skilled workers in key technologies, but about additional hands and heads at all levels - from nurses to AI specialists. The bottom line is that around 500,000 are needed every year. That's according to the so-called "economic wise" who advise the federal government as an independent, non-partisan body of experts. Yet Germany is facing international competition in which it is finding it increasingly difficult to survive.
Complicated language, cumbersome bureaucracy and inadequate childcare are the classic aspects that deter potential immigrants. Added to this is the rise of right-wing populists, who are officially xenophobic. Economist Ulrike Malmendier does research at the University of California at Berkeley and sees parallels to Trumpism: "I've seen how quickly it can happen that you divide a society with simple slogans and prejudices."
Welcome culture is a beautiful word. It exists in the German dictionary, but not in reality. People not only have to come, they also have to stay - currently, one million people leave the country every year. In all society levels. Because if no one sits down next to you in the subway, it doesn't matter whether you're a refugee from Afghanistan or a neurosurgeon from Pakistan: the color of your skin is enough to make you feel exposed to resentment that has nothing to do with you personally - but shows a general latent xenophobia. To the detriment of all.
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Can Blockchain Development Transform Your Business?
Blockchain technology is changing the way businesses operate. It offers security, transparency, and efficiency. Companies across industries are exploring blockchain to streamline operations and reduce costs. Here’s how blockchain development can transform businesses.
Enhancing Security and Data Integrity
Security is a critical factor for any business. Traditional databases are vulnerable to hacking and data breaches. Blockchain provides a decentralized ledger that prevents unauthorized access and data manipulation.
Transactions on a blockchain are encrypted and immutable. Once recorded, data cannot be altered, ensuring trust and integrity. Smart contracts automate transactions, reducing human errors and fraud risks. Blockchain development companies in India help businesses implement secure blockchain solutions to protect sensitive data.
Improving Transparency and Trust
Businesses rely on transparent operations to build customer trust. Blockchain records every transaction on a shared ledger. Stakeholders can verify transactions in real time, eliminating disputes and improving accountability.
Supply chain management benefits from blockchain’s transparency. Companies track product movement from manufacturing to delivery. A blockchain development company helps businesses integrate blockchain into supply chain operations for better traceability and efficiency.
Reducing Operational Costs
Traditional business operations involve multiple intermediaries. Banks, payment processors, and third-party service providers increase transaction costs. Blockchain eliminates intermediaries by enabling direct peer-to-peer transactions.
Businesses save money on transaction fees and processing times. Smart contracts execute agreements automatically, reducing paperwork and administrative costs. Blockchain Development Companies in India provide cost-effective solutions for businesses looking to optimize expenses.
Streamlining Payments and Transactions
Blockchain-based payments are gaining popularity. Businesses using blockchain for transactions experience faster settlements and lower costs. Cross-border payments, which take days to process through traditional banks, settle within minutes on blockchain networks.
Cryptocurrencies and stablecoins facilitate instant payments. Businesses integrate blockchain payment solutions to enhance customer experience. A blockchain development company assists businesses in adopting secure and efficient blockchain payment systems.
Enabling Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Solutions
The financial sector is evolving with decentralized finance (DeFi). DeFi platforms offer lending, borrowing, and trading services without banks. Businesses explore DeFi to provide financial services with lower fees and better accessibility.
Smart contracts enable automated financial transactions. Businesses offering financial services can integrate DeFi solutions for better efficiency. Blockchain development companies in India help businesses build DeFi platforms to leverage blockchain’s financial potential.
Enhancing Identity Verification and Compliance
Identity verification is a challenge for businesses. Traditional KYC processes are slow and costly. Blockchain provides a decentralized identity management system where users control their credentials.
Businesses use blockchain-based identity solutions to verify customers securely. Compliance with regulatory requirements becomes easier with blockchain. A blockchain development company helps businesses implement blockchain identity verification to enhance security and efficiency.
The Future of Blockchain in Business
Blockchain adoption is increasing across industries. Secure transactions, transparency, and automation drive its growth. Businesses investing in blockchain gain a competitive advantage.
Working with blockchain development companies in India ensures successful blockchain implementation. A blockchain development company provides expertise in selecting platforms, designing architecture, and ensuring security. Businesses looking to innovate should explore blockchain to enhance operations and improve customer trust.

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The best and wonderful Shipping Lawyers in China
The perception of China as a world trade giant has created the need for businesses to navigate complex shipping legislation and global trade regulations. China shipping attorneys and international trade attorneys assist businesses in navigating the legal issues, adhering to legislation, and protecting interests. The technical expertise of these attorneys is central to businesses engaged in cross-border transactions, maritime trade, and international shipping. Are you someone who wants to gather more facts about the Shipping Lawyers in China, International Trade Lawyers in China? If Yes. This is the best place where people can gather more facts about the Shipping Lawyers in China, International Trade Lawyers in China.
International Trade Lawyers in China
Chinese shipping attorneys provide complete legal support to seagoing trading companies. They advise on ship registration, charter party disputes and cargo claims and ensure they are in compliance with all relevant legislation. For cases of loss or damage to freight, they represent customers in litigation and arbitration in order to secure their monetary interests.
Among the prominent benefits of using China shipping lawyers is that they can handle complex cases dealing with compliance. Chinese shipping companies have regulations regulated by strict customs law as well as safeguarding procedures. Shipping lawyers navigate the clients through regulatory processes of compliance in avoiding potential punishment as well as procedural delays. Shipping attorneys also offer mandatory guidance on marine insurance covers, offering adequate cover against potential risks.
Shipping Lawyers in China
International Trade Lawyers in China provide valuable legal assistance to cross-border transacting companies. Lawyers are trade compliance experts, customs regulations, and import-export documentation specialists. Relying on their rich experience of handling international trade agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the lawyers assist clients in avoiding trade barriers and conforming to tariff requirements. Their bilingual team fills the language gap to facilitate easy negotiation and contract drafting.
These lawyers also handle trade disputes. From intellectual property rights infringement to anti-dumping investigations, Chinese foreign trade lawyers advise clients while going to regulating commissions and arbitral tribunals abroad. With strategic conflict resolution, Chinese foreign trade lawyers provide satisfactory outcomes in favor of the business interest of the clients.
Working with Shipping Lawyers in China and foreign trade lawyers ensures legal compliance, effective resolution of issues, as well as efficient risk management. Their expertise ensures that business companies operate in China's complex legal scene confidently and achieve sustainable development in the global market.
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Why Businesses Are Investing in Cryptocurrency Coin Development in 2025

The world of cryptocurrency has evolved rapidly over the past decade, with 2025 set to be a landmark year for businesses investing in cryptocurrency coin development. With advancements in blockchain technology, regulatory frameworks, and mass adoption, companies are finding more reasons than ever to launch their own digital currencies. This article explores the driving factors behind this investment trend and its implications for the future of digital finance.
The Evolution of Cryptocurrency
The Early Days of Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was introduced in 2009, marking the beginning of decentralized finance. Initially, businesses were hesitant to embrace digital assets due to volatility and regulatory uncertainty.
Mainstream Adoption
By 2025, cryptocurrencies are widely accepted across industries, from retail and finance to healthcare and logistics. Major corporations like Tesla, Amazon, and financial institutions have integrated crypto payments and blockchain-based solutions.
Regulatory Improvements
Governments worldwide have adopted clearer regulations, making it easier for businesses to invest in cryptocurrency development with reduced risk.
Reasons Businesses Are Investing in Cryptocurrency Coin Development
1. Decentralization and Security
Cryptocurrencies operate on blockchain technology, offering businesses secure, transparent, and decentralized financial transactions. This reduces reliance on traditional banks and lowers transaction costs.
2. Enhanced Financial Inclusion
Businesses can reach unbanked and underbanked populations by offering digital currencies as an alternative to traditional banking systems.
3. Cost Reduction and Efficiency
Cryptocurrency transactions are faster and cheaper than traditional banking methods, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency.
4. Brand Differentiation and Customer Loyalty
Launching a business-specific cryptocurrency enhances brand recognition and incentivizes customers through loyalty programs, discounts, and rewards.
5. Tokenization of Assets
Companies can tokenize real-world assets like real estate, art, and commodities, creating new revenue streams and investment opportunities.
6. Smart Contracts and Automation
Businesses can utilize smart contracts to automate payments, enforce agreements, and improve efficiency across various sectors.
7. Cross-Border Transactions
Cryptocurrencies enable seamless international transactions without intermediaries, reducing fees and transaction time for global businesses.
8. Inflation Hedge and Financial Stability
Digital currencies offer protection against inflation and currency devaluation, making them an attractive investment option.
Key Industries Embracing Cryptocurrency Coin Development
Finance and Banking
Financial institutions are launching their own stablecoins to facilitate faster transactions and reduce banking inefficiencies.
Retail and E-Commerce
Businesses are adopting cryptocurrencies for payments and rewards programs, increasing customer engagement and sales.
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies improve data security, streamline medical billing, and enhance patient confidentiality.
Gaming and Entertainment
Gaming companies develop in-game cryptocurrencies for purchases, rewards, and monetization of digital assets.
Real Estate
Tokenized real estate allows fractional ownership and simplifies property transactions, making real estate investments more accessible.
Challenges and Risks in Cryptocurrency Coin Development
Regulatory Compliance
Despite improvements, businesses must navigate complex regulations that vary by country and industry.
Market Volatility
Cryptocurrencies are still subject to price fluctuations, which can affect business revenue and investment returns.
Security Concerns
Hacks, fraud, and cybersecurity threats remain a concern for businesses entering the crypto space.
Technological Barriers
Developing a cryptocurrency requires expertise in blockchain technology, smart contracts, and cybersecurity.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Coin Development
Increased Adoption by Enterprises
As blockchain technology becomes more accessible, more enterprises will adopt cryptocurrencies for internal transactions, payroll processing, and financial services.
Integration with Artificial Intelligence
AI-powered blockchain solutions will enhance security, fraud detection, and automation in cryptocurrency transactions.
Government-Backed Digital Currencies
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will complement private cryptocurrencies, increasing legitimacy and adoption in the global economy.
Sustainable and Green Cryptocurrencies
With growing concerns over energy consumption, businesses will focus on developing eco-friendly blockchain solutions and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms.
Enhanced Interoperability
Future blockchain networks will improve cross-chain compatibility, allowing different cryptocurrencies to interact seamlessly and enhance liquidity.
As businesses continue to explore the potential of digital currencies, 2025 is shaping up to be a transformative year for cryptocurrency coin development. With enhanced security, financial inclusion, and cost-saving benefits, companies across various industries are capitalizing on blockchain technology to stay ahead of the competition. While challenges remain, the long-term benefits of cryptocurrency investment outweigh the risks, making it a compelling opportunity for businesses worldwide.
By embracing cryptocurrency and blockchain innovation, businesses can position themselves as leaders in the digital financial revolution, ensuring sustainable growth and a competitive edge in the global economy.
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Breach of Contract Legal Services: Safeguarding Agreements in Cross-Border Transactions | Legal Remedies for Contract Breach in India | Cross Border Contract Disputes in India

Cross-border transactions are the most essential piece of any global business. Through cross border transactions, parties gain admittance to new business sectors and valuable opportunities. However, it is critical to realize that cross-border transactions have numerous risks, the principal being breach of contract. These breaches can strain business connections, cause monetary losses and can likewise prompt functional issues.
#International#safeguarding cross-border agreements#protecting global business operations#managing contract risks in India#legal remedies for contract breaches#enforcing cross-border agreements India
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Essentials FAQs on Cross border trade in Dubai and GCC

What are the main regulatory considerations for cross-border services in Dubai and GCC?
Key considerations include compliance with local regulations, customs requirements, and trade restrictions specific to each GCC country.
How do cross-border services handle varying customs duties in the GCC?
Services manage varying customs duties by applying correct tariff classifications, ensuring accurate valuation, and adhering to each country’s duty regulations.
What are the challenges of managing cross-border logistics in the GCC?
Challenges include navigating different customs procedures, managing transportation across diverse jurisdictions, and coordinating with multiple stakeholders.
How is VAT applied to cross border services in Dubai and GCC?
VAT is applied based on the nature of the service, with considerations for place of supply rules and exemptions depending on the GCC country involved.
What role does technology play in optimizing cross border trade in GCC?
Technology enhances cross-border services through automation, real-time tracking, and data analytics to streamline operations and improve compliance.
How do cross-border services ensure data security in the GCC?
Data security is ensured through encryption, secure data storage solutions, and compliance with regional data protection regulations.
What are common compliance issues in cross-border services within the GCC?
Common issues include incorrect documentation, misclassification of goods, and failure to meet varying regulatory requirements across GCC countries.
How can businesses optimize costs for cross-border services in Dubai and GCC?
Businesses can optimize costs by leveraging free trade agreements, negotiating bulk shipping rates, and utilizing efficient customs procedures to reduce expenses.
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Emerging Global Economic Trends and Technological Innovations Shaping the Future
The global Economic Landscape is constantly evolving, influenced by technological advancements, legal developments, international collaborations, and shifts in market dynamics. In recent years, businesses and governments have been adapting to these rapid changes to remain competitive and sustainable in an increasingly interconnected world.

Legal Challenges in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
One of the most significant developments in the tech industry has been the rising concern over artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property rights. Legal battles are intensifying as publishers and content creators raise issues about the unauthorized use of their copyrighted materials by AI language models. These disputes highlight the pressing need for clearer regulations regarding AI usage and intellectual property protection.
This ongoing debate has significant implications for the future of publishing, content creation, and the broader tech industry. As AI technology continues to advance, businesses must navigate the fine line between innovation and compliance with intellectual property laws to avoid costly legal repercussions.
Advancements in Sustainable Urban Transportation
Urban areas around the world are focusing on creating eco-friendly and efficient transportation systems to combat pollution and traffic congestion. Metro rail systems, electric buses, and smart city initiatives are at the forefront of this movement. These projects aim to provide cleaner, more reliable public transportation options while reducing carbon emissions.
Cities are increasingly investing in expanding and modernizing their transportation infrastructure, aligning with global sustainability goals. Such investments not only improve commuter experiences but also contribute to healthier urban environments and economic growth.
Strategic International Collaborations Driving Economic Growth
Economic partnerships and trade agreements between countries are essential for fostering global growth. Recent collaborations across sectors such as energy, technology, and finance are opening new avenues for mutual development and investment opportunities.
These partnerships help strengthen economic ties, encourage cross-border investments, and facilitate knowledge exchange. By working together, nations can tackle shared challenges like climate change, technological disruption, and economic inequality while fostering long-term prosperity.
Corporate Expansion in Renewable Energy
As global awareness of climate change grows, businesses are increasingly investing in renewable energy solutions. Leading corporations are diversifying into sectors like solar panel manufacturing, wind energy infrastructure, and green technology innovations. These efforts align with international climate commitments and the global shift toward sustainable energy sources.
This expansion not only supports environmental objectives but also presents lucrative business opportunities. Companies investing in renewable energy are better positioned to benefit from government incentives, consumer demand for green products, and long-term cost savings from sustainable practices.
Economic Resilience Amid Global Trade Fluctuations
Despite ongoing global trade challenges, many economies are demonstrating resilience through diversified trade strategies and strong domestic markets. Tariffs and international trade tensions continue to impact various sectors, yet businesses that adopt flexible policies and focus on internal growth are better equipped to weather these storms.
Diversification across industries and markets helps mitigate risks associated with global economic fluctuations. Businesses that invest in innovation, workforce development, and digital transformation are also more likely to sustain growth during periods of economic uncertainty.
Financial Sector Expansion and Globalization
Financial institutions worldwide are increasingly expanding their operations into new international markets. Acquisitions and partnerships in foreign markets are becoming more common, especially in key global financial hubs. This international expansion helps businesses diversify their assets, tap into new revenue streams, and enhance cross-border financial services.
Such globalization efforts not only strengthen financial institutions but also contribute to global economic integration. This trend facilitates the flow of capital, boosts international cooperation, and promotes economic stability across different regions.
Banking Innovations for Enhanced Customer Experience
Technological advancements in the banking sector are transforming customer experiences. Digital banking solutions, streamlined account opening procedures, and mobile financial services are becoming increasingly popular. Banks are leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI-driven chatbots, biometric security, and digital wallets to improve user engagement and operational efficiency.
These innovations make financial services more accessible, promote financial inclusion, and help institutions stay competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. The shift toward digital banking also reflects broader global trends toward digital transformation across industries.
Global Market Performance and Investor Strategies
Stock markets worldwide are experiencing fluctuations due to various factors, including shifting trade policies, currency exchange rates, and geopolitical developments. Investors are adopting diversified strategies to navigate this volatility, with an increased focus on emerging markets, sustainable investments, and technological innovation.
Financial experts recommend a cautious yet proactive approach, encouraging investors to diversify their portfolios and monitor macroeconomic trends closely. Despite short-term market instability, long-term prospects remain optimistic due to strong economic fundamentals and continuous technological advancements.
The global economy is undergoing a period of profound transformation driven by technological innovation, legal developments, international partnerships, and financial sector growth. These trends highlight the importance of adaptability, sustainability, and collaboration in navigating the future economic landscape.
Businesses, governments, and individuals must stay informed and proactive to thrive in this rapidly changing environment. By embracing innovation, fostering international partnerships, and prioritizing sustainable practices, the global economy can continue to grow and adapt to future challenges and opportunities.
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International Sales Contracts
International Sales Contracts
International sales contracts play a crucial role in facilitating trade between businesses located in different countries. These agreements define the terms under which goods are sold and ensure that both parties understand their rights and obligations. As globalization continues to expand, the significance of well-structured international sales contracts has grown, becoming essential for businesses engaged in cross-border transactions.
Key Components of International Sales Contracts
Parties Involved: The contract should clearly identify the seller and the buyer, including their legal names and addresses. This ensures that both parties are properly recognized under the law.
Description of Goods: A detailed description of the goods being sold is critical. This includes specifications such as quality, quantity, and any relevant standards or certifications. Clear descriptions help prevent disputes over what was agreed upon.
Pricing and Payment Terms: The contract must specify the price of the goods and the currency in which payment will be made. It should also outline payment methods (e.g., bank transfer, letter of credit) and the timing of payments. Addressing these factors helps mitigate financial risks.
Delivery Terms: Delivery is a key aspect of any sales contract. Terms should include the delivery method, location, and timing. The International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) can be referenced to clarify responsibilities for shipping, insurance, and risk transfer between the buyer and seller.
Risk of Loss: The contract should specify when the risk of loss or damage to the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer. This is particularly important in international trade, where goods may be in transit for extended periods.
Dispute Resolution: Given the potential for legal complications in international transactions, contracts should include provisions for dispute resolution. This can involve specifying the governing law and jurisdiction, as well as alternative dispute resolution methods, such as arbitration or mediation.
Force Majeure: This clause addresses unforeseen events that may prevent either party from fulfilling their contractual obligations, such as natural disasters, political unrest, or other emergencies. Including a force majeure clause helps protect parties from liability under circumstances beyond their control.
Governing Law: International sales contracts often specify the governing law, which determines how the contract will be interpreted and enforced. This is crucial, as legal systems can vary significantly between countries.
The Role of International Frameworks
To provide a standardized approach to international sales, many businesses turn to established legal frameworks such as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The CISG offers a comprehensive set of rules that govern various aspects of international sales contracts, including formation, performance, and breach of contract. By adopting the CISG, parties can benefit from a common legal framework that reduces ambiguity and fosters greater confidence in cross-border transactions.
Challenges in International Sales Contracts
Despite the clear benefits of international sales contracts, several challenges can arise:
Cultural Differences: Varied business practices and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings. It’s essential for parties to communicate clearly and consider cultural contexts in negotiations.
Legal Variations: Different countries have distinct legal systems, which can complicate contract enforcement. Businesses should seek legal advice to ensure compliance with both local and international laws.
Logistical Issues: Shipping and delivery can pose significant challenges, including delays, damage, or loss of goods in transit. Proper planning and risk management strategies are essential to address these potential issues.
Currency Fluctuations: Exchange rate volatility can impact the value of payments made in foreign currencies. Contracts should consider mechanisms such as hedging to mitigate this risk.
International sales contracts are foundational tools that enable businesses to navigate the complexities of global trade. By clearly defining the rights and responsibilities of both parties, these contracts foster trust and facilitate smoother transactions. Utilizing established frameworks like the CISG can further enhance the effectiveness of international sales agreements. As the global marketplace continues to evolve, the importance of well-drafted international sales contracts will only increase, making them indispensable for any business engaged in cross-border commerce.
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The Future of Accounting and Compliance: Trends Impacting CA, CMA, and CS Professionals
The landscape of accounting and compliance is undergoing a rapid transformation, driven by technological advancements, evolving regulations, and increasing globalization. This dynamic environment presents both challenges and opportunities for Chartered Accountants (CAs), Certified Management Accountants (CMAs), and Company Secretaries (CSs). Understanding the emerging trends is crucial for these professionals to remain relevant and competitive in the future.
1. Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Automation is revolutionizing accounting and compliance processes. Repetitive tasks like data entry, reconciliation, and report generation are being automated through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI-powered tools. This shift allows professionals to focus on higher-value activities like analysis, interpretation, and strategic decision-making. AI algorithms can also identify anomalies and patterns in data, enhancing risk management and fraud detection.
2. Big Data and Data Analytics:
The explosion of data presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Accounting professionals need to be proficient in leveraging big data and data analytics techniques. Analyzing vast datasets can provide valuable insights into business performance, customer behavior, and market trends. This data-driven approach supports better decision-making, improved forecasting, and enhanced risk assessment. As mentioned earlier, resources like scanner CA Intermediate Books, Scanner CA Foundation Books, Scanner CA Final Books, ca foundation scanner, ca intermediate scanner, ca final scanner become even more valuable in understanding how past data can inform future trends.
3. Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing is transforming how accounting and compliance functions operate. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. They enable real-time data sharing and collaboration, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency. This also enhances data security and disaster recovery capabilities.
4. Blockchain Technology:
Blockchain has the potential to disrupt traditional accounting and compliance practices. Its decentralized and transparent nature can enhance the security and integrity of financial transactions. Smart contracts, built on blockchain, can automate complex agreements and ensure compliance with pre-defined rules. This technology can significantly reduce fraud and improve transparency in supply chains and financial reporting.
5. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy:
With increasing reliance on digital technologies, cybersecurity and data privacy are paramount. Accounting professionals must be well-versed in data protection regulations and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive financial information. This includes understanding and complying with data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.
6. Regulatory Changes and Compliance:
The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, with new regulations and compliance requirements being introduced regularly. CA, CMA, and CS professionals need to stay up-to-date with these changes and ensure their organizations remain compliant. This includes areas like taxation, financial reporting, corporate governance, and data privacy.
7. Focus on Sustainability and ESG:
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for businesses. ca foundation scanner is Accounting professionals play a crucial role in measuring, reporting, and assuring ESG performance. This involves developing frameworks for sustainability accounting, reporting on environmental impact, and ensuring ethical business practices.
8. Globalization and Cross-border Transactions:
As businesses expand globally, accounting professionals need to be knowledgeable about international accounting standards and cross-border transaction regulations. This includes understanding transfer pricing, foreign exchange risk management, and international tax laws.
9. The Evolving Role of the Accountant:
The traditional role of the accountant as a number cruncher is evolving. Future accounting professionals will need to be strategic advisors, providing insights and recommendations to support business growth and innovation. They will need strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills.
10. Continuous Learning and Professional Development:
Given the rapid pace of change, continuous learning and professional development are essential for accounting professionals. Staying abreast of the latest technologies, regulations, and best practices is crucial for career advancement and staying relevant in the future. Resources like those used for CA entrance exam preparation (CA Entrance Exam Books) and ongoing professional development remain crucial throughout a career.
Impact on CA, CMA, and CS Professionals:
CAs: CAs will need to adapt to the changing audit landscape, leveraging data analytics and AI to enhance audit efficiency and effectiveness. They will also play a key role in ensuring compliance with evolving accounting standards and regulations.
CMAs: CMAs will need to use data analytics to drive better business decisions and improve performance management. They will also need to be proficient in using cloud-based solutions and other technologies to streamline financial processes.
CSs: CSs will need to stay up-to-date with the latest corporate governance regulations and ensure their organizations comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. They will also play a crucial role in managing data privacy and cybersecurity risks.
The future of accounting and compliance is dynamic and exciting. While challenges exist, the opportunities for CA, CMA, and CS professionals are immense. By embracing technology, developing new skills, and staying informed about emerging trends, these professionals can position themselves as strategic leaders and valuable assets in the evolving world of business. The foundation laid by resources used for exams, like scanner CA Intermediate Books, Scanner CA Foundation Books, Scanner CA Final Books, provides a base, but continuous learning is key to navigating this future.
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